Crime Rates at Record High Following Measurement of Crime Rates

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Levels of recorded crime have increased dramatically, according to newly released data from the Galactic Fact Office (GtFO).

The GtFO’s collated crime metrics show space nations registered a total of almost one trillion offenses in the last month, compared to zero in the entirety of recorded space history. The data includes deviancies observed in robotic and drone populations.

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Figures show sharp increases in the rates of both petty and serious crimes since December 2252.

Fraud and space piracy are among the most common types of crime reported, followed by xenophobic violence and Zro misuse.

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The results have been unsurprising to many interstellar government officials. Chancellor Meeeep, leader of the Stellar Starfish Empire (SSE) told Xenonion: “This white collar crime has been prevalent for some time now, particularly relating to individuals manipulating buying and selling of commodities on the stock market to make infinite energy credits.”

Professional criminals have branded these warnings as “inflammatory” and stoking “anti-criminal sentiment.” Criminal heritage mega-corporations such as the Galactic Banking Cartel and Weyland-Yakuza have backed this, describing local syndicates as “very legal, and very cool.”

Many sector governors have expressed concern over crime impacting planetary stability. Some have announced plans to recruit more enforcers, while others have vowed to stop monitoring crime altogether, arguing it was never a problem until measurements began.

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