Area Star Faces Life Imprisonment in Dyson Sphere

A local Class-B star faces life imprisonment in a Dyson Sphere after being accused of firing solar flares at an orbiting United Nations of Earth (UNE) planet.

Bitrius, a 10 million year old super-giant energy mass, reportedly fired several solar flare rounds at the continental world of San Lucas in the early hours of December 5.

The San Lucas District Court heard that the pair had resided together in the same system for “eons” and generally “kept themselves to themselves” until the incident last week.

Jurors were told that San Lucas had been completely “blindsided” by the unprovoked attack during its routine orbit around Bitrius, which crippled communications and left colonists without access to social media for upwards of three days.

Bitrius attended court for preliminary matters today but refused to answer any questions, instead opting to pulsate silently at roughly 24,599 degrees Celsius.

UNE prosecutors state they are confident they have a robust case against the star, with or without its testimony.

“When we inspected Bitrius, we were shocked to find it was entirely comprised of energy,” detective Saga Noren-Lund told Xenonion, “the very same energy which was contained in the discharged solar flares. We’re not going to rest until all the dots are joined up.”

Enforcers have also retroactively charged Bitrius with resisting arrest, after the star refused to be moved into custody and incinerated over thirty thousand officers who tried to restrain it.

If found guilty, Bitrius faces a life sentence in a maximum secure Dyson Sphere, alongside legal fees estimated at approximately 1 trillion energy credits to fund construction of said Sphere.

The trial continues.


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