Seeking to reassure government officials that rare crystal investments are being spent responsibly, diplomats from the Kingdom of Yondarim have unveiled a brand new bejewelled Grand Embassy Complex constructed entirely from the luxury material.
Speaking at the Embassy’s glistening new quartz-lined media room, Chief Envoy Laktras stressed the importance of transparency, not only in the quality of the stained rare crystal wall-length windows, but also the financial activity of the diplomatic corps.
“We need to be open and honest that this funding is being used appropriately,” Laktras stated, while delivering a keynote presentation refracted through what is believed to be the galaxy’s first ever rare crystal projector.
Image: Laktras touts the benefits of the new Embassy complex during his press presentation.
“We are committed to quality,” Laktras continued, “whether that involves training top rate diplomats, or installing toilets in our embassy made entirely from rare crystals, with complementary rare crystal plumbing and toilet roll.”
Laktras declined to answer any questions on the exact cost of the new Embassy, opting instead to model his glistening new crystalline robe for members of the press with an impromptu catwalk.
The new Grand Embassy Complex is expected to formally open in early 2256, following the installation of a rare crystal sprinkler system for fire suppression.