Extra Starbase Built, Economy Collapses

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Almost overnight, the Kingdom of Yondarim’s economy has collapsed following the construction of a small starbase on the outskirts of their territory.

Although the unveiling of the starbase was initially met with acclaim, panic quickly set in as the empire’s energy income went into freefall seconds after the station became operational.

The Central Bank of Yondarim has already made moves to stabilize the energy deficit by initiating a fire-sale of what remains of the space-nation’s food reserves.

“My hope is the energy deficit will simply fix itself in a month or two,” Mishgreel, a representative for the bank told Xenonion, “either that we just shut down the hospitals for a while.”

Image: Mishgreel

With the price of consumer goods rising, citizens have expressed mixed reactions to the new starbase.

Zorgon Florgon, a local pop from Yondarim, told Xenonion: “While I’m imminently about to become both unemployed and homeless, it does give me peace of mind that we now have several starbases dotted around the empire in mildly inconvenient locations.”

Despite the economy shrinking by nearly 30% so far, the Yondarim government is optimistic it will be able to resolve the crisis by building more energy nexuses, although added it may need to construct further starbases to ensure such locations are adequately protected.

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*Co-Author: @Cynnema. Original article idea by @dani369g.


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