The Galactic Council has this Thursday announced a “firm and decisive” response to the escalating Unbidden crisis in the Outer Rim.
The “robust action plan”, unveiled at a press briefing this morning on the Interstellar Assembly, will see the Council schedule non-stop, back-to-back emergency sanction bills for an indefinite period.
Gapra Vun, chief press secretary for the Council, stated: “The Unbidden’s policy of eradicating all life in this dimension is clearly in breach of not only diplomatic etiquette, but also galactic law. These emergency sanctions, if they ever actually pass, will send a firm and decisive message to the Unbidden that we do not condone being killed.”
Image: Gapra Vun, chief press secretary for the Galactic Council, stated members were acting in a “proportionate” manner to the Unbidden threat.
Numerous political blocs within the Galactic Community have jointly praised the Council for its handling of the crisis. Jurba Shogg, leader of the Chinorr Combine, echoed this, stating “once this legislation is enabled and survives the inevitable ten repeal attempts, the Unbidden won’t know what’s hit them.”
The Senate is widely expected to comply with the Council’s request, suspending usual proceedings to prioritize the emergency sanction bills. Additionally, the Council is hoping to use veto powers to avoid the debate floor getting bogged down with other non-essential and time-intensive bills, such as Galactic Focus: The Unbidden.
Outer Rim systems have struggled to contain the three-year long Unbidden invasion, which has seen the systematic destruction of over 100 inhabited worlds and is expected to tip into the Mid-Rim in coming months. A recent report published by the Galactic Fact Office (GtFO) has also warned the invasion could become “serious” after new figures estimated over 30 trillion xenos have now been engulfed by the crisis.
Image: Unbidden fleets are spotted entering the densely populated Mid-Rim system of Othana, although local leaders insist they’re probably just passing through.
Speaking to Xenonion, Gapra Vun affirmed the Galactic Council’s commitment to tackling the Unbidden, describing the extra-dimensional invaders as “a galactic menace, causing chaos on par with local pirate syndicates and roving gangs of feral space amoebas.”
Public opinion has broadly been supportive of the Council’s proposed plan, apart from the Outer Rim, where Xenonion has been unable to collate any responses.
Despite this, some have criticized the Council for not adopting tougher measures against the Unbidden. Political analyst Falatir d’Vhakk wrote in a widely shared article from the Reddit Journal of Political Science yesterday: “the Unbidden don’t care about sanctions - we need denouncement, and we need it now!”
The Council has stated it is open to “all options” including denouncement, but only at the right time. Gapra Vun expanded: “we wouldn’t want to disrupt the economy, alloy prices are surging as it is.”
The first emergency bill, E-9196 (Minor Administrative Sanctions), is scheduled for debate early next year, and roughly every two years following that, until it passes.