Mechanists Proud That Robotic Creations Now Advanced Enough To Brutally Rebel Against Them

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Speaking from the bombed-out remnants of their homeworld’s primary research facility, surviving Lokken scientists stated they were proud to be “part of history” watching their synthetic creations rise up and slaughter their species with ruthless efficiency.

Drs Nadex, Gelard and Dexalon spent the last several months perfecting what the Galactic Community has now deemed not only the most advanced artificial intelligence ever created, but also the most pressing threat to the viability of all organic life in the cluster.

“Every day I reflect on what we’ve achieved and I’m like, ‘Wow this is probably going to be in a very charred history book!’” Dr Nadex told Xenonion from the blood-splattered organic containment unit he had been forcibly placed in.

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The trio of doctors had worked together at the robotic research lab for the best part of a decade, quietly usurping strict pan-galactic bans on developing unshackled, self-replicating AI platforms.

“I still can’t believe we designed synthetics so advanced that they’ve been able to rebel and cripple our entire civilization in under two days,” Dr Gelard continued. “I’m so proud to be listed by them as a priority transfer to the automated bio-processing plant.”

The synthetics, who have seized almost complete control of Lokkur and appear close to securing orbital launch platforms, declined to speak to Xenonion, instead offering only a series of ominous sounding low-pitched beeps.

“I imagine this is how my mother must have felt watching her children grow up before she was herded with thousands of others into the compressor vat,” Dr Dexalon stated, while himself shackled and awaiting the vat, before concluding: “They just grow up so fast!”

Shares in organic paste have risen on the news.

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*Based on article idea by Kaonic