War Exhaustion Doubled By Attempts To Understand It

Military officials from the Tzynn Empire have confirmed this Sunday that in their attempts to understand war exhaustion, levels were inadvertently doubled.

The Tyznn had been increasingly optimistic about securing total victory over their neighbors, the Jehetma Dominion, following several successful planetary invasions with minimal losses.

Despite this, Tzynn Military Command has projected that the empire may be unable to completely absorb the Jehetma, with high levels of war exhaustion forcing the two into a ‘status quo’ peace arrangement that would reverse most of the Tzynn gains.

“We just can’t figure it out,” a bleary-eyed General Zarax told Xenonion while gulping from an exceptionally large coffee cup, “our computer systems are telling us we’re running at 45% war exhaustion. Where is this coming from? We’re winning, but why are we so tired?”

Independent observers confirmed that the Jehetma have suffered significantly more casualties comparative to the Tzynn, but are running with a much lower war exhaustion rate of 30%. “I guess they just get better sleep or something,” Zarax added groggily.

Tzynn researchers had begun to investigate war exhaustion with the hopes that understanding it would allow a means of mitigation, however scientists reportedly found the whole thing so beguiling it left them even more exhausted than when they started.

“I tried looking deeper into this process called attrition,” lead researcher Dr Dekkar told Xenonion while stifling a yawn, “but the more I looked, the less sense it made. I spent a whole night trying to figure this thing out, and before I knew it we were at 90% war exhaustion.”

Tzynn officials stated research on the subject will resume tomorrow as soon as everyone gets a good catch-up on sleep, and have asked the Jehetma for temporary leave from the war to facilitate this.