Ancient Empire Falls, Can’t Get Up

The ancient Hathgum Empire has collapsed, and according to sources close to the administration, is struggling to get back up.

Reports indicate the government was toppled in the early hours of yesterday morning, when leadership struggled to mobilize military forces for an emergency evacuation mission.

The crisis is the latest in a series of problems facing the millenia-old space-nation, which has been beset in recent decades by scientific decline, economic lethargy and diplomatic reclusiveness.

Hathgum officials declined to speak to Xenonion, but did issue a press release, stating they were “fine,” adding the space-nation had experienced a “wobble” but “no major institutions were broken.”

Despite these reassurances, reporters on the scene painted a picture of chaos, with leaders repeatedly trying, and failing, to get the government back on its feet.

The fall of the administration now leads to an uncomfortable period of uncertainty, with concerns that distant vassals or neighboring space-nations may need to be called for help.

“Officials will be worried about the optics of doing that,” political analyst Irb’Na told Xenonion, “even though things are quite literally upside down at the moment.”

Irb’Na warned that vassals may insist on the Hathgum migrating closer to other Fallen Empires, forming what he described as “the galaxy’s assisted-living cluster.”

At the time of press, Hathgum officials report they have managed to get one arm of government fully operational, and are hopeful this can be used to stabilize their position.