Desert Preference Pop Migrates to Arctic World, Just Because

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Bracing against the biting windchill outside Noveria’s main spaceport, a visibly uncomfortable reptilian pop was spotted muttering to himself “this is fine.”

Eye-witnesses reported that Zurix, a thirty-five year old Geico, appeared ill-equipped for the planet’s sub-zero temperatures as he struggled to pull his luggage across the snowy terminal concourse in nothing but a thin black cloak.

The desert-preference pop had reportedly migrated from his homeworld of Arrakis only weeks before in search of a better life.

Appearing increasingly disorientated by worsening visibility as snowfall intensified, Zurix was spotted on a road near to the spaceport joking about the “nice weather” with a streetlamp which he had mistaken for a local pop.

The scene was reportedly awkward between the two, with Zurix embarrassed by the metallic structure’s prolonged silence. He rushed to fill the gap in conversation by blurting out: “OK, the weather’s not that nice. I didn’t realise it was like this, you know? I just moved here for work. I suppose all I cared about was getting a job, not whether my new home was hospitable.”

Image: Zurix attempts to make his way through the snow from Noveria’s spaceport.

Image: Zurix attempts to make his way through the snow from Noveria’s spaceport.

Zurix’s medical records show that his species has minimal biological suitability for cold worlds, and although there was an abundance of more appropriate planets to emigrate to, he had chosen Noveria “just because.”

As the effects of prolonged hypothermia began to set in, Zurix was noted to be slurring his speech, continuing to talk at the streetlight: “Look miss… you’re pretty and all… and I appreciate your concern… but I’ll be fine… my sister migrated into a slaving empire… so this… this is fine.”

At the time of writing an increasingly unsteady Zurix had removed all his clothing and offered it to the streetlight for warmth, reassuring it he “loved the cold.”

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