Galactic Senate Enjoys Another Ten Year Recess

The Interstellar Assembly formally closed this Thursday, marking the commencement of another ten-year recess for the Galactic Senate.

This followed the conclusion of a highly contentious year-long debate on galactic commerce law, which narrowly failed after the bill’s sponsor repeatedly flipped between supporting and opposing the legislation, before abstaining in the final minutes of voting.

Senators did little to hide their relief at the prospect of a break, with many pictured waving and cheering as they made their way towards the Assembly departure lounge.

Senator Vrex of the Voor Technocracy, aged 134, was among them, quipping to press: “See you in a decade, if I’m still alive!”

Image: Senators Vrex (Voor Technocracy) and Khloe Kaplinsky (Blorg Commonality) celebrate the commencement of recess.

Image: Senators Vrex (Voor Technocracy) and Khloe Kaplinsky (Blorg Commonality) celebrate the commencement of recess.

Many Senators have called for the ten-year breaks to be uninterruptible, highlighting frustration at the last recess being cut short by two weeks due to the Galactic Council designating the commerce bill as an emergency measure.

The Council has flatly denied claims the move was an abuse of power, stating its intention was clearly aimed at removing the “dangerous” Council abolition legislation which was set to be debated on the Senate floor.

Senator Khloe Kaplinsky of the Blorg Commonality explained to Xenonion: “This break is really important. We work exceptionally hard one out of every ten years, and this is the only time we get off. It’s upsetting that we can be recalled back to the Senate for Council ‘emergencies.’ Everyone knows nothing happens during recess season anyway.”

Kaplinsky is one of several thousand Senators who have signed a petition to both ban emergency legislation which can interrupt the recess, and introduce year-long weekends starting from 2264.

However, a number of space-nations have voiced their concerns over the Senate’s “inflexible” fixed recess terms.

Delegates representing Outer Rim systems have voiced their “disappointment” that they have to wait another 3600 days to allow them to initiate a year-long vote which could see the Galactic Community unite around a stern denouncement of the ongoing Unbidden invasion of the region.

The Galactic Council has declined to comment on the above, with press inquiries met with an automatic psi-fax response stating: “AFK, brb in 10.”

Analysts predict that the Council will likely downgrade the Outer Rim’s request for action against the Unbidden, instead favoring legislation that may extend recess time by up to twenty years.

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