Volatile Motes Just Going Through Really Tough Time Right Now

The Interstellar Mining Union has asked buyers of its Volatile Mote product to bear with any unexpected explosive outbursts, stating the particles are “going through a really tough time right now.”

Observers have noted that the preternatural motes, which form a dense energy-rich fuel, are highly unstable and prone to unpredictable violent explosions.

“Look, we know it’s unpleasant to be around the motes right now with their tendency to blow up over the slightest thing,” representative Merg Tysala told Xenonion, “but honestly if you knew what they were going through, you’d be understanding.”

Merg stated that the current batch of motes have struggled through a challenging refining process, and have spent prolonged periods stored next to a batch of particularly pretentious Exotic Gas.

Analysts have warned, however, that consumers are becoming increasingly intolerant of being vaporized following numerous reports of explosions on mote mining stations and transport ships.

“I’m just fed-up walking around on eggshells while transporting these motes,” trader Sapra Vun told Xenonion, “not that I could walk around on literal eggshells, given they are one of the key catalysts that cause chain reactive mote explosions.”

At the time of press, representatives from the Interstellar Mining Union state they are confident their plan to purchase the motes a small thank you card and box of selection chocolates should appease them for several days at least.
