Fully Developed Space-Nation Has 38 Idle Construction Ships On Standby, Just Because

New figures from the Scyldari government confirm that the space-nation is currently maintaining a fleet of 38 fully operational construction ships, despite having absolutely nothing left to build.

The Scyldari Confederacy, a sprawling interstellar power which dominates the local cluster, has built outposts in all available territory, strip-mined every asteroid belt within its borders and constructed every possible megastructure.

Despite this, Scyldari shipyards have continued to greenlight the production of new construction vessels. The surplus ships typically pool around shipyards, floating aimlessly while awaiting orders that never seem to come.

Image: Construction ships parked in orbit around Scyldaron’s shipyard.

“We have zero need for more construction ships,” Scyldari admiral Xol’Rix told Xenonion. “I’m trying to petition central government to decommission all but one or two, but colleagues on the Shipwright Committee just keep laughing maniacally at me. It’s actually quite unsettling.”

When asked for an official statement by Xenonion, Chief Shipwright Xor’Ger hissed and darted into a nearby ventilation duct. After finally being cornered by a heavily armored reporting unit, he growled “you fools think we’ve built everything possible… but what if we haven’t!?” Xor’Ger proceeded to draw a crude diagram of a ‘construction-ship colossus’ in his own blood before scurrying off into the darkness cackling about “expanding the meta.”

At the time of press Scyldari officials state they are currently debating plans to allow construction ships to construct new construction ships in space, without the use of a shipyard.