
Famed Oracle Claims To Foresee Future In 'Dev Diary' Premonitions

The Oracle, a mysterious seer with premonitions of the future, is said to have written predictions for this year in a body of text called the ‘Divination Diary.’

The prophecies have gained notoriety on the neural net, and colloquially become known as the ‘Dev Diary.’

The soothsayer has revealed that major shake-ups are coming to the galaxy’s population, employment and trade. Perhaps most shockingly, however, the Oracle has revealed that empires will be able to record their own history in something called a ‘ledger.’

The Oracle is reported to have existed since the beginning of time, and written multiple previous ‘Dev Diaries.’ They are said to have correctly foretold the outlawing of planetary mapping using ‘tiles’ in 2253.

What do you think?

Did... did the Oracle just invent history?

— Otto Man | Systems Analyst | Earth

I am once again asking the Oracle to predict allowing me to merge irregular ships with my fleet.
— Han Sa | Admiral | Horizon

Doesn’t anyone find it suspicious that this supposed Oracle can’t predict the winning numbers for the Galactic Lotto?
— Glorbsig | Floating Gasbag | Zorglan

Warning Space Weather To Become Increasingly Dangerous

Galactic meteorologists have warned that space weather will become increasingly unpredictable and dangerous over the coming months, with a number of major storm systems forecast during September.

What do you think?

It’s war then. We must eliminate the weather before it makes any further advances.

— Otto Man | Systems Analyst | Earth

Remind me to a bring a coat when I’m next out in space.
— Han Sa | Admiral | Horizon

I can’t believe we’re getting lousy Smarch weather in Smeptember.
— Glorbsig | Floating Gasbag | Zorglan

Zro Production On Arrakis Thrown Into Disarray Following Change In Local Refinery Ownership

Zro production on the planet of Arrakis has been thrown into disarray following a change in local refinery ownership. The exotic particle is extremely rate and highly valued for its potent psionic enhancing abilities. Prices of the substance have now soared on galactic markets. What do you think?

It’s only called Zro if it’s refined from the Arrakeen region of Arrakis. Otherwise it’s just sparkling melange.
— Stilhere | Zro Refiner | Arrakis

I’ve always preferred Spice, especially when it’s flavored with pumpkin.
— Benny Guessit | Reverend Mother | Calladan

Me? I’m unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In my goop. Focused. Flourishing.
— Baron Harkomen | Industrialist | Giedi Prime

New Astral Rift Opening Fuels Fears Of Space Gentrification

A new astral rift has opened in the Terminax System, prompting concerns from neighboring residents that the cluster is becoming increasingly gentrified. What do you think?

I don’t think rental prices will shift unless something is done about those roving packs of feral space amoeba.
— Han Sa | Admiral | UNE

We all knew this was coming ever since the Artisan Troupe opened their college here.
— Glorsig | Floating Gasbag | Glorb Dominion

I’ve already joined the Equinox branch that’s opened inside the rift.
— Irb'Na | Clerk | Zonasi Empire

Ringworld Residents Propose Colonizing Other Segments By Simply Walking There

Residents on a newly constructed ringworld have questioned the need to colonize other areas with colony ships, proposing to simply walk there instead. What do you think?

That would be a great way to get my daily step count up to the recommended 224,410,000 steps.
— Han Sa | Admiral | UNE

Typical mainstream media bias against those of us who can only float ungracefully.
— Glorsig | Floating Gasbag | Glorb Dominion

Going outside and walking? In this economy?
— Irb'Na | Clerk | Zonasi Empire

Space-Nations Set To Rename Council Titles

The Galactic Community has confirmed this week that space-nations will be able to freely rename government council positions, diverging from previously strict pan-galactic naming conventions. What do you think?

If my title gets changed to something ridiculous like ‘Minister for Silly Walks’ I’m quitting.
— Han Sa | Former Minister for Silly Walks | UNE

Great, now we’re going to need a new Council position for ‘Keeper of the Council Titles.’
— Kayr'Ren | Keeper of the Vaults | Ilyria

Slightly off topic but has anyone ever actually seen the Minister for Silly Walks walking?
— Otto Man | Clerk | UNE

Unassigned Scientist Sits On Government Payroll For 100 Years

The United Nations of Earth (UNE) has confirmed this week that a scientist it hired to undertake research was never actually assigned to any projects, and remained on government payroll for 100 years doing nothing. What do you think?

I don’t really see the difference between this and ‘assisting’ research.
— Han Sa | Admiral | UNE

Ridiculous. If I didn’t live in utopian abundance and actually paid any taxes, I’d be outraged.
— Kayr'Ren | Homemaker | Ilyria

Life goals tbh.
— Otto Man | Clerk | UNE

Engineers Unveil New Ringworld Structure, 'Squareworld'

Engineers from the Voor Technocracy have unveiled an advanced new ringworld structure called a ‘Squareworld.’ What do you think?

I guess this explains why IKEA are now selling flat-pack ringworld segments.
— Han Sa | Admiral | UNE

We are one step closer to the prophesied Dyson Cube.
— Kayr'Ren | Homemaker | Ilyria

Am I seeing heaven? I feel like I’ve been touched by an angle.
— Bleughh | Dominatrix | Schlurma

Strike Craft Capable Of Deploying Even Smaller Strike Craft Developed

Engineers from the Voor Technocracy have unveiled a new battleship prototype that allows deployed strike craft to launch a further series of smaller and even more agile anti-armor ‘strike craftettes.’ What do you think?

Meh. Come back and let me know when they develop strike craft capable of deploying strike craft from strike craft.
— Han Sa | Admiral | UNE

Sometimes I wish I were a battleship, able to deploy strike craft around the home, blitzing chores.
— Kayr'Ren | Homemaker | Ilyria

Are these strike craft available for... [heavy breathing].... personal use?
— Bleughh | Dominatrix | Schlurma

New Quantum Catapult Prototype Unveiled

Engineers have unveiled a new Quantum Catapult prototype. The device should allow ships to be slingshotted incredible distances across space, much farther than current jump drive technology allows.

Sorry, you want to do *what* exactly with my brand new ship? Is this even covered under my insurance?
— Han Sa | Admiral | UNE

This sounds just perfect for my husband.
— Kayr'Ren | Homemaker | Ilyria

Is this available for... [heavy breathing].... personal use?
— Bleughh | Dominatrix | Schlurma

Calls Grow To Reintroduce 'Encourage Growth' Policy

There have been growing calls for the ‘Encourage Growth’ Initiative to be re-instated. The popular policy promoted species fertility rates by drop-shopping food directly onto planets. It was recently scrapped after an entire shipment of fresh food was grossly contaminated by an impromptu fertility ritual which developed beside it. What do you think?

Oof, you’ll have to excuse me, even just talking about this is getting me going...
— Marie Nostrum | Envoy | UNE

Why not just air-drop us babies directly? Saves nine months of waiting around and cuts out the many unattractive middle men.
— Otto Man | Merchant | UNE

[sexily photosynthesizes]
— Tom Ato | System Analyst | Vegorama

Galactic Community Announces Plan To Re-Train Envoys As Spies

The Galactic Community has outlined a series of new measures and initiatives to try and boost the number of professional spies across the galaxy. One such scheme includes re-training of envoys in intelligence, counter-intelligence and security specialisms. What do you think?

That explains the mandatory thirty minute online module on assassination techniques I had to do last night.
— Marie Nostrum | Envoy | UNE

Why wasn’t I consulted? As a part time entertainer, I’m an expert in thespionage.
— Otto Man | Merchant | UNE

I was once arrested on suspicion of being a spy. Enforcers thought I was trying to organize a coo.
— Feathers of Teal | System Analyst | Caawia

New Vultaum Relic Suggests Universe Is A Computer Simulation

New evidence from a Vultaum dig site shows that the extinct species not only believed the universe was a computer simulation, but also that the program was operated by an omnipotent teenager wielding an all-powerful 'console command' function. What do you think?

I guess that would explain the cluster where all the systems are named ‘LOLN00B.’
— Marie Nostrum | Envoy | UNE

Can these omnipotent overlords perhaps console command my marriage back
— Otto Man | Merchant | UNE

This can’t be a simulation. No computer
program could be so cruel.
— Tom Ato | System Analyst | Vegorama