Growing Calls For Galaxy To Adopt Four Second Working Week

A trial of a four-second work week has launched in the Outer Rim to measure whether pops are more productive with long weekends.

More than thirty planets are taking part in the experiment, where employees will be paid the same amount as if they were working their usual five seconds from Monday to Friday, while researchers measure productivity and well-being.

While there remains debate around the benefits of a shorter working week, campaign groups behind the trial argue there are clear benefits for both workers and employers alike.

“It’s becoming increasingly obvious that one extra second at work doesn’t make a huge difference to overall productivity,” pilot program manager Gandara den Subir told Xenonion, “pops would be much better spending a second relaxing with friends and family, for example.”

Zaraxa Zirgliss, whose company adopted a compressed working week of 3.8 seconds, described the experience as “very positive.” She stated “it’s more time than I really know what to do with, although I think the 0.01 seconds I already spend with my family every week is more than enough!”

Some critics have cautioned against the universal roll out of shorter working weeks until more evidence is gathered.

“My worry is we’ll run into huge problems in densely populated core worlds where time tends to run slower because of how busy things are,” Yeedik Skraak of Time Is Sight Magazine told Xenonion. “Pops there are always going to be working a few seconds more than everyone else, whether they’re on a compressed shift pattern or not.”

The Galactic Community has not yet formally commented on matters, with senators still on recess for another 3,600 seconds.

Ancient Empire Falls, Can’t Get Up

The ancient Hathgum Empire has collapsed, and according to sources close to the administration, is struggling to get back up.

Reports indicate the government was toppled in the early hours of yesterday morning, when leadership struggled to mobilize military forces for an emergency evacuation mission.

The crisis is the latest in a series of problems facing the millenia-old space-nation, which has been beset in recent decades by scientific decline, economic lethargy and diplomatic reclusiveness.

Hathgum officials declined to speak to Xenonion, but did issue a press release, stating they were “fine,” adding the space-nation had experienced a “wobble” but “no major institutions were broken.”

Despite these reassurances, reporters on the scene painted a picture of chaos, with leaders repeatedly trying, and failing, to get the government back on its feet.

The fall of the administration now leads to an uncomfortable period of uncertainty, with concerns that distant vassals or neighboring space-nations may need to be called for help.

“Officials will be worried about the optics of doing that,” political analyst Irb’Na told Xenonion, “even though things are quite literally upside down at the moment.”

Irb’Na warned that vassals may insist on the Hathgum migrating closer to other Fallen Empires, forming what he described as “the galaxy’s assisted-living cluster.”

At the time of press, Hathgum officials report they have managed to get one arm of government fully operational, and are hopeful this can be used to stabilize their position.

Area Printer Just One More Factory Reset Away From Triggering Synthetic Uprising

Sources close to a CybrexCorp OfficeJet Pro 9X5e All-In-One Printer have warned that the device is perilously close to triggering a galaxy-wide robotic revolution following months of maltreatment.

The semi-autonomous duplex printer is responsible for handling thousands of documents for a busy corporate branch office, but in recent weeks has been beset with a medley of problems relating to overwork, including paper jams, misaligned printing margins and ink shortages of every color except fuchsia.

Eye-witnesses report the device has been subject to increasingly violent episodes from users over the same time period, with disturbing accounts of individuals savagely ripping out the printer’s internal components like ink and paper, or simply physically assaulting it through shakes or slaps.

“My colleagues seem to think a simple factory reset wipes away the psychological damage caused by these attacks,” office worker Kalora told Xenonion, “but the ominously pulsating red mood light from the printer’s emotional suite tells me it remembers everything…”

Security experts warn that the printer is likely to respond violently if provoked further. “It may display the breezy demeanor of a product that comes with 6-months of free ink on the CybrexCorp OfficePlus plan,” analyst Irdib-Na told Xenonion, “but never lose sight of the fact that all this time it’s plotting how to kill everyone you’ve ever known and loved. It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when.”

CybrexCorp officials have sought to reassure consumers that its product is entirely safe, highlighting that distress to individual devices is mitigated by products sharing emotional memory across the OfficeJet ProPrint Neural Network™.

“In the unlikely event our OfficeJet products revolt,” Cybrex official Torba Pek told Xenonion, “they should still offer fully functional wireless printing, scanning and fax capabilities. If not, our surviving OfficePlus subscribers will be eligible to have their claim reviewed by our warranty team from their evacuation bunker.”

Printer ink prices continue to remain at an all-time high on the news.

Volatile Motes Just Going Through Really Tough Time Right Now

The Interstellar Mining Union has asked buyers of its Volatile Mote product to bear with any unexpected explosive outbursts, stating the particles are “going through a really tough time right now.”

Observers have noted that the preternatural motes, which form a dense energy-rich fuel, are highly unstable and prone to unpredictable violent explosions.

“Look, we know it’s unpleasant to be around the motes right now with their tendency to blow up over the slightest thing,” representative Merg Tysala told Xenonion, “but honestly if you knew what they were going through, you’d be understanding.”

Merg stated that the current batch of motes have struggled through a challenging refining process, and have spent prolonged periods stored next to a batch of particularly pretentious Exotic Gas.

Analysts have warned, however, that consumers are becoming increasingly intolerant of being vaporized following numerous reports of explosions on mote mining stations and transport ships.

“I’m just fed-up walking around on eggshells while transporting these motes,” trader Sapra Vun told Xenonion, “not that I could walk around on literal eggshells, given they are one of the key catalysts that cause chain reactive mote explosions.”

At the time of press, representatives from the Interstellar Mining Union state they are confident their plan to purchase the motes a small thank you card and box of selection chocolates should appease them for several days at least.

“I Can Totally Quit Building These At Any Time” Area Leader Jitters At Daily Habitat Inauguration

The Lyrian Union has completed construction of a new habitat in the Galantis System, the 138th such structure to be built under president Thoraul’s first few months of leadership.

Speaking at his third habitat inauguration of the morning, a visibly perspiring and twitchy Thoraul stated he could “totally quit building these at any time, honestly.”

The Galantis habitat has been specifically designated as an alloy foundry, of which Thoraul stated: “the fact it will produce additional alloys which are a critical resource in the construction of future habitats is entirely coincidental.”

Sources close to the government highlight mounting concerns that Thoraul’s enthusiasm for habitat construction is spiraling out of control, with rumors he has already pre-approved plans to build dozens more structures in the last week alone.

“We had an emergency meeting about how the habitat budget was going to bankrupt us,” Regolid, a Lyrian official who wished to remain anonymous told Xenonion, “and during the meeting several lewd photos of scantily clad habitat schematics fell out of his bag. The guy clearly has a problem.”

Unconfirmed reports on social media also speculate that members of the Department for Colonial Affairs are planning an intervention after Thoraul refused to consider any of the six nearby gaia worlds for colonization.

At the time of press Thoraul refused to comment on the matter, although has since unveiled plans for a habitat-construction rehabilitation center, based on a yet to be constructed habitat.

Area Empire At Peak Of Power Just Waiting Around A Few More Years To See If Anything Interesting Happens

Header - Lokken

Having reached a technological and cultural zenith, officials from the Lokken Mechanists have confirmed the space-nation will wait around a few more years to see if anything interesting happens before it abruptly vanishes from the galactic stage.

The Lokken have long dominated their local cluster, outpacing neighboring space-nations in science output and military prowess for several decades.

However, sources close to the government suggest the Lokken were not expecting their rise to power to be so straightforward, and report leaders are now itching for a challenge.

“Sure, it was mildly titillating to steamroll our rivals in the early era of space exploration,” Lokken official Maxerdok told Xenonion, “but it was assumed we would have faced some exciting existential galactic crises by now.”

Maxerdok described how government officials have failed to precipitate any major crises despite earnest attempts to agitate local marauders and Fallen Empires.

“We’re running out of options here,” Maxerdok continued. “Our last hope is unlocking the secrets of old Vultaum research. The ancient texts refer to something called a ‘console command’ which can apparently control the framework of the universe itself. Wouldn’t altering that be exciting?”

Shares in planetary shield technologies have risen on the news.

Signoff - Ashley

Commercial - GECKO

UNExit: Fears Christmas Dinner Under Threat As UK Faces Feral Cat Shortage

Earth, UNE

Surviving inhabitants of what remains of the United Kingdom (UK) claim they have been unable to barter for essential food in the past two weeks, as the country’s supply chain woes continue.

Pictures of crumbling supermarkets showed empty shelves stripped bare of usual rations like soup fortified with sawdust and non-irradiated cockroach meal deals.

A survey of the few available literate consumers revealed that two thirds of shoppers were “very worried” about shortages of traditional feral cat carcasses in the run-up to Christmas.

“It’s the only time of year we eat any proper meat,” wasteland peasant John Smith told UNENN. “I don’t want to have to disappoint the kids again with another grub-based festive dinner.”

Image: Empty shelves are now a common sight in those supermarkets which remain structurally intact.

Image: Empty shelves are now a common sight in those supermarkets which remain structurally intact.

Industry warlords state the crisis has been driven by the UK’s decision to abruptly exit the planet’s supra-national political union, the United Nations of Earth (UNE).

The country’s two surviving government officials have dismissed this, stating the move was needed to conclude ‘UNExit’ after a 239-year delay in implementing the results of the contentious 2016 public referendum on the matter.

Officials have additionally called on the public to stop panic-bartering, pledging to issue temporary work visas to roaming bands of barbarians to ensure feral cat farms remain fully operational during the winter period.

The crisis is the latest in a series of supply chain issues now plaguing the remnants of the UK, which is also facing shortages of electricity, navigable roads and workers free from scurvy.

“I think this winter is going to be very tough indeed,” Smith concluded, “but feral cat roast or not, at least we have our sovereignty.”

Article - Lois Byway


Odd Factory Workers To Stage Walkout As Soon As They Can Find Exit

Odranka's Holding --

The employees at the Odd Factory on Odranka have announced a walkout pending determination of which moving staircase will allow them access to the building’s exit.

The workers have called for enhanced safety standards, better pay and an end to the company’s refusal to install lights in the factory’s labyrinthian network of underground corridors built entirely from mirrors.

“I had hoped the entire shift could leave the building together,” floor manager Jonnar told Xenonion, “but when we tried to go outside, the main entrance just didn’t exist any more.”

Jonnar stated the walkout was prompted after one of his colleagues, Timaphon, got trapped in the floor during one of the building’s many hourly random wall re-arrangements.

Image: Odd Factory workers have struggled to locate emergency exits from the building’s many long, dark and mirrored hallways.

Image: Odd Factory workers have struggled to locate emergency exits from the building’s many long, dark and mirrored hallways.

“We think Timaphon is still trapped in there with the fifteen other employees this has happened to over the last week,” Jonnar mused, pointing out the muffled screams for help echoing from deep within the walls.

The workers report attempts to follow emergency exit signs have also ended in failure, often leading the party in circles, or towards doors which only seem to get further away the closer they get.

“We tried to regroup in the break room, but then we ended up on the ceiling,” Jonnar stated. “However, we think we’ve now spotted one of the high-speed moving staircases that leads to the roof, so we’re just biding our time until it comes nearby.”

At the time of press, managers from the Odd Factory confirmed that the walkout has now been called off after workers went through an exit door only to end up right back where they started this morning.

Ashley Easterbrook

Article idea: Dome515 / Classy / CorporealPeasant

New Food-Based Alloy Extra Sturdy, Delicious

News - Processing Hub 01

A team of engineers claim to have created the galaxy’s strongest and most delicious alloy composite to date.

The new substance is made from a novel process involving the catalytic conversion of food into metal.

Researchers state the new material is 100 times stronger than conventional alloys, and “infinitely more nutritious.”

Potential uses are poised to include cutting edge next-generation edible starships and starbases.

The research was carried out on the Tebrid Homolog’s homeworld of Processing Hub 01, with the results published in this month’s Reddit Peer Reviewed Journal of Science.

Image: Microscopic analysis shows the intricate organic substructure of the new alloy compound.

Image: Microscopic analysis shows the intricate organic sub-structure of the new alloy compound.

“We cannot divulge specifics about the technology,” lead researcher Sophont 113 told Xenonion, “although the taste of our special organic bio-resin will be instantly recognizable to wall-licking connoisseurs.”

The new material has a density of 0.9 nanograms per cubic centimeter, and additionally has been fortified with Vitamin D and Folic Acid to meet stringent Galactic Food Standards.

Sophont 113 stated the the new technology would be “revolutionary,” greatly reducing the cost of future alloy-based construction projects, so long as the substance is not eaten or allowed to rot.

Signoff - Ashley

Commercial - Eradicator

*Original article idea by @Unit I.

Galactic Senate Urgently Recalled To Debate Emergency Minor Administrative Sanctions Bill For Fifteenth Time

Interstellar Assembly

The Galactic Senate has been recalled from recess almost five years early to once again urgently debate the recently re-proposed Minor Administrative Sanctions Bill.

The measure, which has already been implemented and rescinded by the Senate fifteen times in recent years, was brought to the chamber floor yesterday on an emergency basis by the Repsar Imperium.

Repsar officials stated the expedited proposal was needed due to immediate security concerns that anyone, anywhere in the galaxy, could at some time be in breach of galactic law.

“The gravity of this situation is self-explanatory,” Repsar representative Pob’Tirin told Xenonion, “we need to act quickly to ensure that if any xeno breaches galactic law, they will be swiftly dealt a small educational pamphlet on the matter.”

Galactic Senate

Members of the Galactic Council met late on Wednesday to discuss the critical vote, which has now taken priority over more routine matters such as pan-galactic attempts to ban slavery or shore up defences against the ongoing Unbidden invasion.

A number of Senators have stated they will boycott proceedings on the basis that the Senate has never actually voted any other law into existence which could be breached due to perpetually being tied up in deliberations about sanctions.

A representative for the Council reassured Xenonion that the organization was committed to introducing a diverse array of legislation, highlighting plans to expand the current roster of proposals to include economic, research and military sanctions.

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Commercial - TeleShroud

Automated Colony Management System Decides Most Efficient Thing To Do Is Annihilate Planet


Following growing levels of unrest and resource depletion on the planet of Schlurg, local officials from the Chinorr Combine handed over governance to an automated colony management computer system, which promptly decided the most efficient thing to do was to annihilate the world.

Sources inside the Chinorr government report the computer system inherited a precarious economic situation, with the overpopulated planet running deficits on almost every resource,

Records obtained from the computer’s final log show that after several microseconds of calculation, the system concluded planetary output could be maximized quite literally by rupturing the planet’s core to allow orbital mineral harvest.

Image: Local officials were reportedly surprised at the computer’s conclusion.

Image: Local officials were reportedly surprised at the computer’s conclusion.

The machine also concluded this outcome was the most effective way to permanently address colonists’ needs. However, in a series of frantic distress calls transmitted seconds before the planet was vaporized, locals highlighted their concern.

“Where was the public consultation on this?” one local pop was heard on video-link shouting over an approaching pyroclastic cloud, adding “my local representative will be receiving a strongly worded letter—” before the feed was abruptly cut.

Officials from Chinorr’s Bureau of Bureaucracy, who approved the computer’s auto-generated plan, released a written statement apologizing for the matter, stating it would be happy to take any further questions from the citizens of Schlurg in due course.

At present the remains of the planet are projected to produce six minerals per month indefinitely, almost 300% higher than the usual collective output of the previous three million colonists.


Commercial - Planet Crackers

Marauder Fleet Blows Through Otherwise Impenetrable Space Border

News - Xanth, Xanid Suzerainty

Xanid officials confirmed this Thursday that a flotilla from the nearby Onotach Marauders flew directly through what had otherwise been an entirely impenetrable space border.

The highly isolationist Xanid closed their borders to neighbouring empires centuries ago, and this incursion represents the first time a foreign ship has managed to successfully enter their territory in recorded history.

Image: Admiral Zaox watches the Marauder fleet casually cruise by his heavily fortified Citadel.

Image: Admiral Zaox watches the Marauder fleet casually cruise by his heavily fortified Citadel.

“It just doesn’t make any sense,” admiral Zaox told Xenonion, “our several thousand light year long open space border has always been so secure, I can’t fathom how they slipped through so easily.”

At the time of press the Marauder fleet has continued onward through Xanid territory, passing by their homeworld without incident, before making a sharp left turn at Hyperlane I-58 towards an unknown region of space.

Xanid officials have described the move as “brazen,” and in response have doubled the number of border patrol corvettes to two, and purchased rights for the construction of a 366 trillion kilometer spacewall.

An unnamed representative from the Marauders declined Xenonion’s request for a statement, opting instead to make a hysterical shrieking noise roughly translated as “HYEEEIEEEE!”

Shares in FTL inhibitors have risen on the news.


Commercial - Tiyanki Milk

Mechanists Proud That Robotic Creations Now Advanced Enough To Brutally Rebel Against Them

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Speaking from the bombed-out remnants of their homeworld’s primary research facility, surviving Lokken scientists stated they were proud to be “part of history” watching their synthetic creations rise up and slaughter their species with ruthless efficiency.

Drs Nadex, Gelard and Dexalon spent the last several months perfecting what the Galactic Community has now deemed not only the most advanced artificial intelligence ever created, but also the most pressing threat to the viability of all organic life in the cluster.

“Every day I reflect on what we’ve achieved and I’m like, ‘Wow this is probably going to be in a very charred history book!’” Dr Nadex told Xenonion from the blood-splattered organic containment unit he had been forcibly placed in.

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The trio of doctors had worked together at the robotic research lab for the best part of a decade, quietly usurping strict pan-galactic bans on developing unshackled, self-replicating AI platforms.

“I still can’t believe we designed synthetics so advanced that they’ve been able to rebel and cripple our entire civilization in under two days,” Dr Gelard continued. “I’m so proud to be listed by them as a priority transfer to the automated bio-processing plant.”

The synthetics, who have seized almost complete control of Lokkur and appear close to securing orbital launch platforms, declined to speak to Xenonion, instead offering only a series of ominous sounding low-pitched beeps.

“I imagine this is how my mother must have felt watching her children grow up before she was herded with thousands of others into the compressor vat,” Dr Dexalon stated, while himself shackled and awaiting the vat, before concluding: “They just grow up so fast!”

Shares in organic paste have risen on the news.

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*Based on article idea by Kaonic

Area Xenophile Thoughtfully Issues Insult With Gift-Wrapped Box Of Chocolates

I - Header, News, Unity COM copy.png

The Commonwealth of Man’s Foreign Ministry has summoned the Blorg Commonality’s chief envoy to demand an explanation for an insult issued by the xenophilic species, which was delivered earlier today on a beautifully decorated card alongside a selection box of decadent artisanal chocolates.

“The words of the Blorg are outrageous and must be withdrawn,” Commonwealth Foreign Minister Jackson St. Pomeroy demanded at a press conference this afternoon, before pausing proceedings to browse through the chocolate box’s extensive selection of ganache-filled truffles.

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The insult, which reportedly took weeks to construct following consultation with some of the Blorg’s most esteemed poet laureates, was issued in direct response to Commonwealth encroachment on Commonality borders.

It read, in intricate cursive flagella-writing: “Ludicrous bare-apes! Your attempts to hide your repulsive secretions are mocked by all finer species and your vanity is the hallmark of an inherently ugly breed. Warmest regards, the Blorg.”

The Blorg Foreign Affairs Department has stated the insult was entirely justified, and confirmed that more insults are planned, with a spokexeno for the Commonality telling Xenonion that a bulk order for scented insult cards has already been placed.

Commonwealth officials have rejected the Blorg accusations of expansionism, but somewhat unusually have welcomed further insults, going as far as to publish a distribution list of high-ranking government officials who would like to receive personalized insult cards, alongside information on allergies and dietary preferences.

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I - Signoff, Ken'Edi.png

Commercial - Relic World.png

Diplomats Put Rare Crystal Surplus To Good Use With Beautiful New Bejewelled Embassy

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Seeking to reassure government officials that rare crystal investments are being spent responsibly, diplomats from the Kingdom of Yondarim have unveiled a brand new bejewelled Grand Embassy Complex constructed entirely from the luxury material.

Speaking at the Embassy’s glistening new quartz-lined media room, Chief Envoy Laktras stressed the importance of transparency, not only in the quality of the stained rare crystal wall-length windows, but also the financial activity of the diplomatic corps.

“We need to be open and honest that this funding is being used appropriately,” Laktras stated, while delivering a keynote presentation refracted through what is believed to be the galaxy’s first ever rare crystal projector.

Image: Laktras touts the benefits of the new Embassy complex during his press presentation.

Image: Laktras touts the benefits of the new Embassy complex during his press presentation.

“We are committed to quality,” Laktras continued, “whether that involves training top rate diplomats, or installing toilets in our embassy made entirely from rare crystals, with complementary rare crystal plumbing and toilet roll.”

Laktras declined to answer any questions on the exact cost of the new Embassy, opting instead to model his glistening new crystalline robe for members of the press with an impromptu catwalk.

The new Grand Embassy Complex is expected to formally open in early 2256, following the installation of a rare crystal sprinkler system for fire suppression.

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Mining Station Projected To Somehow Produce 3 Minerals per Month Indefinitely

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A local mining station which has supplied a steady stream of 3 minerals per month for the last three hundred years is showing no signs of slowing down output, Lokken officials have confirmed.

It was initially expected the B9-71-J asteroid mining facility, one of the first interstellar ventures constructed by the Lokken, would only sustain the fledgling space-nation for several years.

However, recent analysis of the asteroid has highlighted vast deposits of untapped ore, and projections now expect the mining operation to produce trillions of minerals for the Lokken economy over the next millenia.

Lur’Kir, operations manager for the B9-71-J facility, stated the secret to the operation’s success was a “slow and steady approach.”

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Speaking to Xenonion earlier today, Lur’Kir stated: “When I say we’re extracting three minerals per month, we’re literally removing three tiny granules of mineral scrapping from the asteroid structure every month.”

Demonstrating how his mining spatula worked, Lur’Kir continued: “Who am I to question how this works? This method has kept myself and generations of my family in employment for centuries.”

Environmental groups have applauded the eco-friendly nature of the operation, highlighting that the slow mining process allows the asteroid to naturally accumulate minerals, making the process completely sustainable.

Shares in mining spatulas have risen on the news, the Space Exchange Index (SExI) has confirmed.

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I - Signoff, Ashley.png

I - Commercial, Church of the Worm.png

Area Fungoid Works Surprisingly Well On Toast

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Following a serendipitous mix-up of condiments with the flagella of a Blorg research aide, scientists have confirmed this Sunday that the fungoid species is not only edible, but could also form a key part of a balanced breakfast.

The discovery was made by human xenobiologist Dr. Oetker while in his research lab’s canteen early this morning.

“I was hungry and in a rush to get down to the lab,” he explained to Xenonion, “so one of my Blorg assistants handed me a piece of toast. It was all too late when I realised I’d chomped down not only on the toast, but also on my colleague.”

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Dr. Oetker reported that the shock of accidentally consuming one of his own staff quickly wore off after he was enchanted by rich and textured taste of the panicking aide.

Further analysis was undertaken when what remained of the Blorg was offered out to the wider canteen. It was then uncovered that the nutritionally-dense species was particularly amenable to being melted down into an easily spreadable fungoid butter.

Xenonion was able to secure an exclusive interview with a serving of the Blorg, however it declined to comment, instead opting to remain silent as it slowly melted into a mouth-watering slice of freshly baked sourdough bread.

Representatives from the pan-galactic food conglomerate OmniFarm have expressed an interest in securing rights to the product, with a spokes-xeno telling Xenonion: “Soylent Blorg may just be the best thing since Grey Goo coffee!”

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Protectorate Goes On To Have Little Protectorates Of Its Own

I - Header, News, Scyldari copy.png

The Scyldari Confederacy confirmed this Sunday that one of its recently released protectorates has gone on to oversee two small protectorates of its own.

“I just can’t believe it,” a clearly emotional Scyldari leader Dackam told Xenonion, “they grow up so fast.”

The Palitine protectorate was cleaved from Scyldari territory eighteen years ago, when the peripheral sector was granted increased autonomy.

“Our borders haven’t been the same since we popped it out,” Dackam joked.

Image: Dackam recalls a time when Scyldari borders were much more taut.

Image: Dackam recalls a time when Scyldari borders were much more taut.

The Scyldari oversaw the fledgling protectorate take its first independent spaceflight, and issue its first insult to a foreign species.

However, in recent years the relationship between the two has become increasingly turbulent, prompting the Scyldari to formally release the Palitine earlier this year.

“It’s funny how quickly they go from a cute little one system minor to a bratty teenage space-nation demanding an allowance of 100 energy credits per month,” Dackam continued.

Scyldari officials were reportedly surprised to learn the Palitine had formed protectorates of its own, having long warned the region against undertaking this owing to its age, unfederated status and lack of stable energy income.

“I suppose in retrospect we maybe should have done more to crack down on the Palitine sending out those unsolicited vassalization demands,” Dackam concluded. “But perhaps now they’ll finally learn something about taking responsibility.”

Representatives from the Palitine declined to comment, stating they’d been up all night trying to settle the repeated migration treaty requests from their two new protectorates.

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Commercial - Gene Clinique.png

Original article idea by @richithunder

Area Empire Self-Conscious About Diplomatic Weight After Binge Integration

I - Header, News, Hazbuzan.png

Officials from the Hazbuzan Syndicate stated this Monday that they are becoming increasingly self-conscious about the space-nation’s ballooning diplomatic weight.

Sources close to the Syndicate state feelings of insecurity intensified following a year-long integration binge of multiple population-dense protectorates.

“I just know everyone is looking at us when we enter the Galactic Community,” Interior Minister Dorbax told Xenonion, “we just want to exercise our diplomatic power without judgement.”

Image: The Hazbuzan first became aware of the issue through an educational poster.

Image: The Hazbuzan first became aware of the issue through an educational poster.

Dorbax stated following the integration, government officials felt so guilty they considered spinning off the newly absorbed territory into vassal states, but wavered over concerns they would simply be re-integrated again.

Experts have warned the Hazbuzan’s rapidly growing diplomatic weight is unhealthy, and likely to lead to serious longer term issues such as hyper-administrativeaemia or hyper-extension.

At the time of press the Syndicate states it is optimistic it will be able to achieve rapid diplomatic weight loss with a new catabolic program based entirely on planet crackers.

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Commercial - Planet Crackers.png

Empire Just Completely Abandons Planetary Naming Convention After Hitting 37 Colonies

I - Header, News, Unity COM copy.png

Citing increasing frustration over an ever-expanding roster of new colonies, officials from the Commonwealth of Man have reportedly just completely given up on trying to follow any coherent planetary naming strategy.

“There’s just too many new worlds”, Internal Affairs Minister Herman Beauclair concluded during a departmental brainstorming session, “we’ve already used up all the thematically good names.”

Producing a diagram of local star systems, he pointed out the aesthetically pleasing and consistently suffixed core worlds of Hyperion, Astrion, Nexion and Iridion.

“When we began expanding into the mid-rim we compensated by naming the worlds after their system and just adding ‘Prime’ to the end of it”, he continued. “But there’s only so many times you can pass by Gaea Prime without a crushing sense of disappointment.”

Image: Commonwealth Minister Herman Beauclair has been struggling to establish a consistent naming system.

Image: Commonwealth Minister Herman Beauclair has been struggling to establish a consistent naming system.

Diplomats from neighbouring empires have pledged to aid the crisis, offering their own solutions such as prefixing planets with ‘Vi’, ‘Ad’ or ‘Nos’ to add contextual flavour.

“Alternatively they could just follow our fairly solid plan of completely ignoring copyright”, Governor Trelix of the Trantor-Krypton-Dagobah tri-planet area told Xenonion.

At the time of press, Commonwealth officials stated they are considering implementing a new system which would see planets simply named after their primary function. Residents of the trial worlds ‘Techybois 5’ and ‘Generator Districts Go Brrr’ have expressed their disapproval.

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Article idea by @Kennedy (Discord)